Saturday, October 11, 2014

HCV Newsetters: Everything you need to know about Gilead's Harvoni

HCV Newsetters: Everything you need to know about Gilead's Harvoni

Unless you have been out of the country, or living high on a mountain peak, you're more than aware we had some exciting news yesterday.

Drum roll please.....

The FDA approved Gilead’s much anticipated drug Harvoni (ledipasvir/sofosbuvir), our first combination pill approved for the treatment of chronic HCV genotype 1 infection, without interferon or ribavirin.

Gilead has published both U.S. Prescribing Information and Patient Information, on their support website. In addition check out HCV Advocates new factsheet; Genotype 1 Treatment: Harvoni (Sofosbuvir & Ledipasvir).

Worth A Click
By Carly Helfand
Payers hit back at Gilead for $94,500 price tag on brand-new hep C combo pill

New York Times
By Andrew Pollack

Public Radio
By Bill Chappell
New Hepatitis C Pill Promises Faster Treatment, At A Higher Cost

Web MD
By Brenda Goodman, MA
Hep C Combo Pill May Cure Those Who Can Afford It


Two-drug, 12-week treatment successful for genotype 1 HCV

AASLD/EASL NY HCV Special Conference: 
Therapeutic Challenges: Decompensated Cirrhosis and Liver Transplantation

Nature Reviews
Scott L. Friedman, Eamonn M. M. Quigley, Keith A. Sharkey, Joseph J. Y. Sung & David C. Whitcomb
The past 10 years of gastroenterology and hepatology—reflections and predictions

The Wall Street Journal
Bruce Japsen
As Hepatitis Pill Harvoni Joins Sovaldi, States Erect Medicaid Hurdles

Viohl & Associates
The Sovaldi®Squeeze:High Costs Force Tough State Decisions. 

New Hepatitis C Drug is FDA Approved: Harvoni (Combo Lepidasvir and Sofosbuvir)

Yet another hepatitis C drug has been approved by the FDA, a great day for those who suffer from hepatitis C. A combination of Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir, this new drug, called Harvoni, is the latest entry by Gilead, leading the way in curing hepatitis C.

Uploaded October 10 by Joe Galati, M.D.

Everything you need to know about Harvoni

In this edition of Newsletters we begin with an article written by HepMag's Benjamin Ryan covering everything you need to know about Gilead's Harvoni.

Hep is an award-winning print and online brand for people living with and affected by viral hepatitis. Offering unparalleled editorial excellence since 2010, Hep and are the go-to source for educational and social support for people living with hepatitis.

Featured Article
by Benjamin Ryan
The first once-daily fixed-dose combination therapy to treat hep C has hit the scene, with neither interferon nor ribavirin in tow.

Articles Of Interest
Sovaldi-Ledipasvir Better Shields the Liver Than Today’s Hep C Meds

Current Issue
Hep’s latest mag is all about how to overcome hepatitis C and help others fight it, too.

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New At Healio

October 2014 print edition of HCV Next

"HCV Next" offers information on a range of topics, which include diagnosis, new combination therapies, side effects, drug/drug interaction, guidelines, fatty liver disease and more.

October Table of Contents

The Evolution of Special Populations in HCV

Bridging the Gap: New Clinical Trials Planned for Children with HCV
Philip Rosenthal, MD; Yen Pham, MD


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The HCV Advocate newsletter is a valuable resource designed to provide the hepatitis C community with monthly updates on events, clinical research, and education

What's New At HCV Advocate
Check out our new Easy C Fact Series
Factsheet on Genotype 1 Treatment: Harvoni (Sofosbuvir & Ledipasvir)

HCV Meets Managed Care Health Insurance (2014)
As this country plays catch-up with the other industrialized nations that make health insurance available to everyone, a lot of people are getting coverage for the first time. Unfortunately, the health plans being offered today are complicated; they are virtually all Managed Care Plans. Also, unlike countries that cover everyone under one plan, our health coverage is handled primarily through health insurance companies so there are major differences in coverage and what an insured person is expected to pay out-of-pocket.
Read more..

Alan Franciscus, Editor-in-Chief
We have incorporated some important new information into one of HCSP’s Fact Sheets in our HCV Transmission and Prevention Section. 

October Newsletter

Alan Franciscus, Editor-in-Chief
In this month’s column, I will provide a short overview of phase 3 data from sofosbuvir plus ledipasvir. It is important to know, however, that when approved the FDA may add or change the cure rates and add additional warnings or restrictions to the use of the medications based on their review of the clinical trial data.

Lucinda K. Porter, RN
This month, Lucinda discusses the AASLD and IDSA’s recommendations assigning high treatment priority to those with high risk of HCV transmission. When we reduce HCV transmission, we reduce the prevalence, which benefits us all. 

Alan Franciscus, Editor-in-Chief
One of the most important decisions that anyone with hepatitis C (HCV) will make is about HCV treatment. In the past, it has been a difficult decision because of the significant side effects, long treatment duration and modest cure rates. 

Lucinda K. Porter, RN
Lucinda reviews studies on depression and HCV disease progression, mother-to-child transmission, healthcare utilization and racial differences in progression to cirrhosis and HCC. 

Website Plan & Survey Report
Alan Franciscus, Editor-in-Chief
Find out what the results of our recent survey were; what we are going to do about them, and who won the autographed copy of Lucinda's book Hepatitis C One Step at a Time. 
Connect With HCV Advocate

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HBV Advocate: for accurate, timely and cutting-edge information on HBV treatment and vaccines.

In This Issue
Chronic Hepatitis B Remains Public Health Challenge in U.S. 
Epidemiologists Become Molecular Detectives to Investigate HBV Outbreaks
Telbivudine Effectively Prevents Infection of Newborns Born to Infected Mothers
GGT Blood Test Reveals Fibrosis and Cirrhosis in Hepatitis B Patients
Early Research Combining Antivirals with a Protein "De-activator" Shows Promise
Diabetes Dramatically Increases Liver Cancer Risk in Cirrhotic Patients
Tenofovir Linked to Higher Rates of Bone Loss than Entecavir
Liver Cancer Risk Factors Do Vary Between Racial Groups
European Study Confirms Coffee Dramatically Lowers Liver Cancer Risk

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The hepc.bull, has been “Canada’s hepatitis C journal” since the late 1990′s and has been published nonstop since 2001. The monthly newsletter contains the latest research results, government policy changes, activities and campaigns you can get involved in, articles by patients and caregivers, and a list of support groups plus other useful links.

Articles In This Issue Include:

Stakeholder Summit / News
HepCBC Open House
Local Programs
SVR Honour Roll
Coming Up 

Stay Connected

Liver Lowdown is the monthly general interest e-newsletter of the American Liver Foundation.

Acetaminophen is the most commonly used pain medication in the U.S., but it's also the leading cause of acute liver failure. We've partnered with the Acetaminophen Awareness Coalition to educate the public about safe usage...

Did you know October is liver awareness month, click here to see 13 ways to a healthy liver!

Patient Information


This month we focus on primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), a chronic disease that slowly damages the bile ducts. We welcome your thoughts and comments and invite you to share your experiences.

To look at healthy 25-year-old Alison Cubbellotti now, you would never know that only five years ago she was near death. She was diagnosed with primary sclerosing cholangitis at age nine. But she has survived and thrived. Read about her inspirational story.

The American Liver Foundation hosts many events throughout the year and we invite you to take part. With our Liver Life Walks, Flavors, transplant reunions and webinars, there is something for everyone. Here is what we have been up to during the last few weeks.

The American Liver Foundation is proud to advocate for and support all those affected by liver disease. We are pleased to share some recent news that help us in our efforts.

Looking for a delicious recipe to try tonight? We have one for you! Have a recipe to share? We would love to hear from you.

ALF hosts a number of events throughout the year to support liver disease awareness. Check our events calendar and find one to participate in.

October Issue Not Yet Published....

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GI & Hepatology News is the official newspaper of the AGA Institute and provides the gastroenterologist with timely and relevant news and commentary about clinical developments and about the impact of health-care policy. The newspaper is led by an internationally renowned board of editors.

View Current Issue (Vol. 8 No. 10 October 2014): PDF | Interactive Issue

In This Issue
Unnecessary cancer screening in U.S.
A substantial proportion of older adults in the United States undergo unnecessary and even harmful screening for colon, prostate, breast, and cervical cancer, contrary to clear guidelines that are widely recognized and well publicized, according to two separate studies published online in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Herbal-supplement liver injuries on the rise for 10 years
Serious liver injury from herbal and dietary supplements–including those used by bodybuilders – has risen signifcantly over the past decade.

Drug combos increase upper GI bleeding risk
Combining nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors increased the risk of upper gastrointestinal bleeding by up to 190% beyond the baseline risk found for NSAID monotherapy, researchers reported in the October issue of Gastroenterology.

Read breaking news stories now: visit the GI & Hepatology News website.

Connect With AGA

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The New York City Hepatitis C Task Force is a city-wide network of service providers and advocates concerned with hepatitis C and related issues. The groups come together to learn, share information and resources, network, and identify hepatitis C related needs in the community. Committees form to work on projects in order to meet needs identified by the community. 

In this Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Policy Watch
In the News
Tools & Resources
Journal Articles & Reports
Connect with the NYC Hep Community

Fair Pricing
Treatment Action Group (TAG) &
Tracy Swan on Hep C med fair pricing 

Join Us

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Our newsletter is sent out for free electronically on the 1st of every month.
Our mission is to educate the general public about hepatitis C and to provide resources and support for those affected by the virus. Hep C Connection offers a helpline to answer your questions regarding hepatitis C (HCV). You can expect respect, patience & understanding, in clear, jargon-free language from our staff & volunteers. Call 1-800-522-HEPC (4372) today!

October Newsletter

In This Issue 
Support Groups
2014 Desserts & Delights Online Auction
Free Education Dinner
Articles of Interest
Upcoming Events
 HCV Patient Survey
AASLD/EASL Conference
Financial Resources for HCV Treatment
Clinical Trials
Desserts & Delights Sponsors

Find Hep C Connections On Facebook


The primary goal of the Caring Ambassadors Program is to help individuals with challenging health conditions to become ambassadors for their own health. We are here to help you—that is now and always will be our singular focus.

Monthly Pubmed Review of the most relevant research on HCV

Hepatitis C Choices
Important link if you are considering the new therapies. Be sure to talk with your doctor about all of your other medications prior to taking any prescription. Treatments for hepatitis C are evolving faster than ever and the Caring Ambassadors Program is actively working on updating Hepatitis C Choices to reflect all of these exciting developments.

While many sections of the book are as relevant as ever, Part 2, which covers Treatment and Management Approaches, is being completely rewritten to reflect new science and current practice. Check back soon for completely updated 2014 5th edition. In the meantime, we strongly recommend that you review the Recommendations for Testing, Managing, and Treating Hepatitis C that were developed by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the Infectious Diseases Society of America. These guidelines, which the Caring Ambassadors Program strongly endorses, can be found at

Welcome to the new HCV Action website, the home of the UK’s hepatitis C professional community. 

The HCV Action network brings together health professionals from across the patient pathway, including GPs, specialist nurses, clinicians, drug action teams, public health practitioners, prison healthcare staff and commissioners. We provide resources for commissioners, medical and drug services professionals, promoting good practice in HCV care across the UK.

The Hepatitis C Trust
Each winter hundreds of thousands of people see their GP and tens of thousands are hospitalised because of flu. Last winter, Public Health England received reports of 904 people admitted to intensive care or high dependency units with laboratory confirmed flu and, of them, 11% (98 people) 

Of Interest

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As a reminder next month is the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, taking place in Boston from November 7th to November 11th. Late-breaking abstracts are now available, in addition, abstract text is published in a special edition of Hepatology.

Wishing you all the best, until next time.


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